Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tibbet Knob (VA, WV)

Kris and I heard Tibbet Knob was a worthwhile trek back in September when we hiked up Big Schloss, which is accessed from the same parking lot at the state line between VA and WV. So off we went on August 11, arriving at the trailhead at the crack of noon-thirty.

18. Tibbet Knob: After losing the trail fifty yards from the start, I refocused and realigned my wandering thoughts with my wandering feet and kept the party pretty much on course for the remaining 1.6 miles to the top. We met a couple descending just as we reached the first of two steep, but easy, scrambles and then the cheery summit just beyond. It was another great view from your standard rock bump on a long wooded ridge. Too soon, though, darkish looking clouds approached from the west and hinted at the possibility of a thundershower, also predicted by the day’s forecast. I interrupted Kris’ basking and suggested we start descending from the line of fire. The thunder never came, but worse sorry than safe, right?
Miles (RT):  3.2 miles; elevation gain: 830 feet
Cumulative mileage and gain:  78.1 miles / 22,150 feet

Kris on the highest rock.

Sunny day!

Twenty minutes later.

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