This was another hike I found at and it
sounded like a good choice for a cool-ish fall day (November 10) for Kris and
41. Kepler Overlook: It took us a couple wrong turns to find
the trail, but we eventually got there and suffered a not too interesting
ascent to the rockily scenic ridge crest. It wouldn’t take much to improve the
trail to the best view point with a nice sitting area contoured into the rock and I was tempted to give
it a go right then and there. But lacking any suitable tools to flail around with, I
conceded it would have to wait for another day. A quick lunch and a few pics
later, we were downward bound, having chalked up another summit for Kenny Boy.
Interestingly, the 1,200 foot elevation gain to Kepler put me at exactly (more
or less) 50,000 feet and very nearly 180 miles. That’s an average of just over
1,200 feet and 4.4 miles per summit. Nothing superhuman about that, but hey, it’s
exercise. I’d originally thought I might hit 100,000 feet, but a handful of
itty bitty summits with 100 to 300 feet of gain are scrunching my averages.
Guess I better lay off those.
Miles (RT): 6.6
miles; elevation gain: 1,200 feet
Cumulative mileage and gain:
179.9 miles / 50,000 feet
Finding the right road. |
Atop Kepler. |
An old furnace perhaps? |