Sunday, January 6, 2013

Toketee, Susan Creek and Falls Creek Falls (OR)

Falls Creek Falls.
With a weekend to spare during that March 2012 business trip to southwest Oregon, I spent a half day exploring short trails to waterfalls along the North Umpqua River.  My aimless itinerary took me to three waterfalls:  Toketee (120 feet in two drops, 0.8 mile round trip); Susan Creek (50 feet, 1.6 miles); and Falls Creek (85 feet in two drops, 2.0 miles).  The hike to Falls Creek Falls passes through a deep crack in a rock outcrop, adding a star to the scenery rating.  There are plenty of other falls in the vicinity, but the highway was getting snowy beyond Toketee and I was craving a mocha.  Anyway, it was a great way to spend a good chunk of a nippy, damp day.  By mid-afternoon I was browsing the exhibits at the Douglas County Museum in Roseburg (see Myrtle Creek above).

Tokatee Falls.

Susan Creek Falls.

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